“ICCA Membership: A Gateway To Networking And Growth”



Every month, we’ll spotlight a member of the ICCA Association Community, inviting them to delve into their vision, mission, reflections, and emotions regarding their professional endeavors… and the essence of who they are.

This initiative aims to provide members with genuine glimpses into the core of our association community… and the individuals they aspire to engage with. Today, we feature Debbie Roepe, Executive Director of ISSVD.

Could you kindly provide us with a brief overview of your association’s activities and purpose?

The International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD) is committed to enhancing comprehension, diagnosis, and treatment of vulvar and vaginal ailments. It unites healthcare practitioners, researchers, and educators to exchange insights, conduct collaborative research, and establish industry standards. Additionally, ISSVD actively fosters public awareness and education regarding vulvovaginal health, while advocating for enhanced healthcare services for affected individuals.

What prompted your decision to become part of the ICCA Association Community?

I consider myself fortunate to have found ICCA and to be a part of its esteemed community. ICCA offers me priceless networking opportunities, linking me with organizations facing similar challenges and introducing me to new destinations and venues. Since joining ICCA, all my event bookings have originated from connections made within its network. The abundance of shared knowledge, business development prospects, and avenues for professional growth consistently bring me back to ICCA. It has become my go-to resource for all things related to events.

Fascinating insights about your association

Intriguingly, ISSVD was founded in 1970 during a gynecology meeting, where a group of gynecologists recognized the significance of collaboration with dermatologists, pathologists, and other healthcare providers for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. This led to the formation of ISSVD, aiming to unite various specialties. Remarkably, it remains the sole international society solely focused on diagnosing and treating vulvar disease. Surprisingly, it’s still not uncommon to find providers operating without the guidance and additional expertise from other specialties.

What would be your foremost advice for fellow association professionals as they enter 2024?

My primary recommendation for association professionals as they approach 2024 is to emphasize adaptability and innovation. In the swiftly evolving landscape of today, it’s vital for associations to remain flexible and receptive to integrating new technologies, trends, and strategies. Additionally, maintaining active networking remains crucial as collaboration often leads to valuable insights and shared learning experiences.

What’s the most unique and thrilling location where you’ve organized and/or participated in a professional event?

ISSVD has hosted two of its World Congresses aboard a cruise ship! The Royal Caribbean Alaskan cruise provided an ideal backdrop for our event, offering dedicated meeting spaces and allowing us to conduct meetings while still enjoying port stops on several days. This setup was not only convenient but also beneficial for our event budget, as all food and beverage costs were covered by attendees due to the all-inclusive fare.

While it presented challenges from the organizer’s perspective, it wasn’t my personal favorite experience. However, it was highly regarded by attendees, with a strong turnout and positive reception.

The post “ICCA Membership: A Gateway To Networking And Growth” appeared first on Travel And Tour World.

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