Quasi-skiplagging? Will it actually work?

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/viterbi2022
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Sorry for creating a new word, I don’t know if there’s a word for this.

Say I want to take a one-way flight from A to B, there is no direct flight, and one option is to connect at C. The ticket I plan to book arrive at C on Friday late night (so I need to pick up my luggage anyway), and fly out Saturday afternoon.

The thing is I prefer flying out on Sunday afternoon, so that I could meet a friend at C on Saturday evening and watch a show together. If booking two tickets separately, it will be much more expensive. If I “accidentally” miss the second flight, will the airline put me on the next day’s flight for free? Or they will charge me more money as if buying a new ticket? Any idea?

submitted by /u/viterbi2022
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