Xbox's Phil Spencer Reflects On Recent Mass Layoffs


Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer has defended and explained Microsoft's recent decision to lay off 1,900 people from the Xbox division. He told Polygon that Xbox is a business, and like many other businesses, Spencer's job is to make profits. Sometimes that means laying people off now to grow in the future, he said.

"I don't get any luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business inside of Microsoft. And we are that today. But just across the industry... I reflect on friends of mine in the industry that have been displaced and lost their jobs and how just, I don't want this industry to be a place where people can't, with confidence, build a career," he said.

Spencer went on to say the video game industry is projected to be "smaller" in 2025 in terms of players and dollars spent. Big publicly traded companies need to make moves that give investors confidence that profits are coming, and that can mean cutting jobs to get there.

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