The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) is still a strange and giddy blast of fun.

Crowded Caribou

I can remember hearing rave reviews for The Grand Budapest on tv back when it first released 10 years ago, but it took me until now to get to it, and I'm beyond pleased to see that it lives up to the hype.

As someone who's only seen one other Wes Anderson film (Moonrise Kingdom) I can't comment on how his style holds up across his entire filmography, but I really think that it works exceptionally well here, adding to the story on display rather than detracting from it. The movie's tone is proudly odd and yet often earnest, and that mix feels perfectly emphasised by Anderson's unique directorial style.

The whole cast is good, but Ralph Fiennes gets the showcase role and makes the absolute most of it here, spitting out the rapid-fire dialogue with really sharp comedic timing, and his performance lines up perfectly with the film's occasionally grim humor.

I went into this one not quite sure what to expect of it, but it left me so thoroughly entertained across its runtime that it really surprised me, and it closed on a note that hit me far deeper emotionally than I would've ever guessed that it would. That's always a cool thing to get from a story...

If you haven't checked it out yet, now might be the time to go for it.

submitted by /u/AaronYaygar
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