Should I join the Army or Marines?


I 17m want to join the military once I graduate HS. I have wanted to join the military since I was a little kid. My dad was in the Army, 82nd airborne, and had ranger tabs. It would be cool to go airborne and possibly get ranger tabs, but I dont want to make the Army my career. I don't even necessarily know if I want to go infantry.

I want to go into law enforcement when I'm older. A recruiter was telling me that the Marines give you a lot of expirence police agencies are looking for. He told me a lot of times they would hire you straight out without even having to get a degree. You just need to go to the police academy, which the Marines will pay for. My uncle, who is a cop told me what my recruiter said is mostly bullshit and that most agencies still require a college degree. But my question is, what branch would transfer better to law enforcement the Marines or the Army?

Edit: Grammar and for my phone auto correcting "tabs" to "tags".

submitted by /u/mattam1001
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