Poznan calls tech industry to gather at INSECON Congress 2024


Technology, Automation, Robotics, Seoul, Innovation, SmartFactory, IndustryEvent

The INSECON Congress 2024 is set to take place from today in Poznań, aiming to serve as a pivotal platform for increasing awareness of cyber threats and discussing robust security measures and responses. This comprehensive event is designed to cater to a wide range of professionals, from business leaders to members of uniformed services, including the Polish armed forces and law enforcement agencies, as well as IT and cybersecurity service providers.

The Congress welcomes manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers in the security and data protection field, offering them an exceptional opportunity to showcase their products and engage with potential clients. This engagement is crucial for enterprises, especially those managing critical infrastructures like power plants, waterworks, and communication centers, as well as financial institutions and local government bodies that require advanced protection against cyber threats.

Expanding Knowledge Through Expert-Led Panels

One of the core components of INSECON 2024 will be its focus on knowledge dissemination. The event will feature lectures and discussion panels led by experts from Poland and abroad, tailored to address the evolving needs of cybersecurity professionals. These sessions are designed to help participants identify effective strategies to combat cyber threats, equipping them with the necessary tools to enhance their security protocols.

Four Thematic Blocks Tailored to Professional Needs

INSECON 2024 is structured around four thematic blocks, carefully designed to meet the job-specific needs of attendees such as digitization directors, cybersecurity managers, programmers, and network administrators. Each block will focus on different aspects of cybersecurity, ensuring that every participant can find relevant and impactful content.

Innovative Solutions and Services on Display

The exhibition zone at INSECON 2024 will be a dynamic area where companies can present their latest products and services that support cyberspace protection. This platform not only allows for the demonstration of cutting-edge technologies but also serves as a ground for interaction between innovators and industry leaders.

Fostering Cooperation and Networking Opportunities

Networking is a key element of the INSECON Congress, facilitating connections among policymakers, industry leaders, and practitioners who deal with cybersecurity on a daily basis. The evening networking event, in particular, is set to be a highlight, offering a relaxed environment where discussions can continue and partnerships can be forged. The Congress encourages its partners to actively participate in and contribute to the program of this evening session.

INSECON Congress 2024 promises to be a landmark event in the field of cybersecurity, providing invaluable insights, showcasing innovative solutions, and fostering an environment of cooperation and networking among professionals dedicated to securing our digital world.

The post Poznan calls tech industry to gather at INSECON Congress 2024 appeared first on Travel And Tour World.

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