How to make my dog get used to me?

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Dudes, it's been like 3 days since i adopted a little dog, she's so cute and her name is Duna. The thing is, even though i was the first one she saw, the one that got her food and stayed with her for some hours first, she is just so scared of me and/or ignores me entirely. And it's not like she just hates humans, she L O V E S my dad, she jumps in excitement every time she sees him, she even gets the zoomies and she looks so happy.

And that's cool, but you know, i would be happy if she at least didn't act like a magnet every time she saw me... an equal poles magnet. I've tried petting her, giving her food straight from my hand, calling her name so that she gets close but nope, nothing gets trhough to her. You guys have any advise?

submitted by /u/PrismOnDaCrism
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