Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes - How To Win Cooking Competitions



There are several minigames that you can engage in when playing Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. One of them involves a chef, and there's even a lengthy arc where you encounter a sinister organization. Here's our guide on how to win cooking competitions in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

How to win cooking competitions in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes​

To win cooking competitions, you must ensure that the judges give you a better score than your opponent. But, before we can get to that point, let's talk about how to unlock this feature in the first place.

Recruiting Kurtz: The Grilled Tutuva recipe and the Restaurant​


The Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes cooking minigame stars Kurtz, a chef who can be found in the city of Hishahn. Upon chatting with Kurtz, he tells you that he's looking for the Grilled Tutuva recipe.

The recipe itself is in the Treefolk Village. Revisit the location and talk to the NPC in front of the trading post. He'll hand over the recipe, which you can then give to Kurtz so that he joins your army permanently.

With Kurtz in the resistance, you should now be able to build the Restaurant in your home base. It costs 800 Headquarters Funds and 80 Food. Upon construction, you'll find Kurtz at the restaurant inside the inn (to the left of the Trade Plaza fast travel point).

Cooking competition: Choosing your three dishes​


The Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes cooking competition arc begins shortly after building the restaurant. Here's a quick summary:

  • Members of the Dark Dragon Syndicate will show up at the restaurant to challenge Kurtz.
  • The general idea is to pick three dishes: the appetizer, main course, and dessert.
  • The selection pool is based on the recipes you've unlocked throughout the course of your adventure. As such, we suggest speaking with various NPCs in towns and villages since some of them give you new recipes.
  • A cooking challenge lasts 45 seconds. You're also told to help Kurtz prepare meals by mashing the interact/confirm button (i.e. "A" on an Xbox gamepad or "X" on a PlayStation gamepad) during this time.
  • After preparations are complete, the judges give scores based on how much they liked each dish. The points range from zero (0) to five (5).
  • If you lose a challenge, don't fret since you can go for a rematch.
  • If you win a challenge, you'll receive a new recipe from your foe.
  • The next opponent will appear after 15 minutes have passed (as long as you're outside the inn). You can pass the time by recruiting other characters or by playing the card minigame.

Learning the judges' tastes based on clues​


The cooking competition pits you and your opponent, with four judges deciding which meals are more scrumptious. These judges are none other than the allies you've recruited during the campaign.

Prior to the start of a match, the emcee will introduce the judges. This introduction may also cite their favorite dish, or just a hint based on the description.

Finding the favorite food of judges through Divination​


You may also learn about your allies' backgrounds via the Divination Parlor. The character's bio clearly shows their favorite type of food.

Making things easier: Omelets and Coconut Water​


Initially, you might think that it's hard to remember what each judge character likes. However, based on our experience, we've noticed that Omelet and Coconut Water do the trick. Even if they're not guaranteed to be each judge's favorite, they'd likely grant 3s or 4s, whereas your opponents might get 1s or 2s from some of the meals that they cook.

With the Omelet and Coconut water as your options, that leaves only one dish. Pick the one that you think would suit the taste of any judge to help ensure a perfect score from that person.

Trey and the Scroll of Heaven​


After winning around half a dozen matches, Kurtz's rival, Trey, will appear. When you attempt this bout for the first time, it's as though Kurtz has mesmerized the judges, with everyone giving him perfect 5s. Even Nowa can't stop eating the food that Trey prepared.

To beat Trey, you must find the Scroll of Heaven. The item is in the Seaside Caverns dungeon. Simply follow the looping path until you reach the southwestern area. There, you'll see a glowing marker denoting the location of the item.

With the Scroll of Heaven in your possession, continue battling other syndicate members until Trey shows up once more. The Omelet and Coconut Water trick should be more than enough to beat him.

Recruiting Celia and beating the Chairman​


While undertaking the cooking challenges in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, you'll encounter a masked woman who berates the syndicate members who have lost. Eventually, she'll challenge Kurtz, too. If you win, the woman is revealed to be Celia, and she'll end up joining the resistance.

The last bout is against the Chairman, the head honcho of the Dark Dragon Syndicate. Cook the same dishes as before and hope for the best. Once you've defeated the Chairman, he'll realize the error of his ways, bringing an end to the syndicate and the entire competition arc.

In any case, this is how you win cooking competitions in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Kurtz and Celia are just two out of 120 allies that can join your army. You can learn about the others in our character recruitment guide.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes takes you all across the lands of Allraan, where you bolster the resistance forces by allying with powerful combatants and growing your headquarters. For more tips, you can visit our guides hub.

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