USA holiday with fixed penalty notice for cannabis (police scotland)

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Travel to USA with fixed penalty notice cannabis

Hi guys,

Planning a holiday later this year to the USA.

About 11 years ago, I was given, what I believe was called a "fixed penalty notice" that they now call penalty notice for disorder (PND) for possession of a small amount of cannabis.

Will I be able to travel on the visa esta or will I need to apply for a tourist visa?

It was in Scotland, so police scotland have some slight different rules to the rest of the UK, but if I remember correctly it said it only stayed on police scotland computers for 2 years.

I know one of the questions on the esta is something along the lines of "have you ever been involved in anything related to a controlled substance, using, or supplying."

I'd rather not lie just in the off chance I get put on the spot at customs and bottle it lol. I've had a lot of people telling me I should just do the esta and not mention it, but again, I'd rather be honest just in case.

A penalty notice does not go down as a criminal record and "is not an admission of guilt" but would this stop me being able to enter the country for a holiday?

Thanks in advance for any advice! :)

submitted by /u/dondee19899
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