Need some investing Journal Help, I am wanting to be more introspective and metacogntive about Investing


Hello all! As the title says, I am wanting to be more introspective with my investment processes. It is random at times and well thought out others. Some days I feel like I get it and am doing well. But, other days I confuse myself with gut reaction trades or over thinking something that most likely is a safe low risk/low reward play.

I'm wanting to create a journal template of questions to ask myself either daily or weekly that might help guide my thought process and clear cognitive dissonance that may arise. Not specifics about stock metrics like P/E, PEG, or DCF. No, more aligned with why we do the things we do during the process. It can be daunting trying to navigate the market and not being consiously aware of the cognitive processes that we use to navigate it can lead to irresponsible trades.

What questions do you ask yourself as you embark on your investment journey?

TL;DR: I want to better understand why I invest the ways that I do and the subconsious mental processes that I use without realizing, by creating an investment journal.

submitted by /u/superbilliam
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