My 85 year old neighbor told me how he met his wife


He said,

“Well, a friend of mine was headed to a dance, and so he had me come along so we could meet some girls. I was real nervous, I was never good with the ladies, so I think he was trying to help me out, you know, encourage me.

“So we got there and he asked if I thought any of the girls were pretty and there was this one girl, that was Betty [his wife], and she was a bigger girl but had a pretty face and I thought I might have a chance with her. So I went over and introduced myself, but I lost my nerve to ask her to dance, so I just sat down next to her. I tried to think of something to say but I couldn’t think of a thing.

“My friend came over and sat next to me and asked me in a quiet voice, ‘Did you talk to her?’

‘No,’ I said, ‘I don’t know what to say!’

‘Just give her a complement, say something nice.’

“I thought about it for a few minutes, and then I turned to her and said,

‘You know, for a fat girl you don’t sweat too much.’”

submitted by /u/MarchogGwyrdd
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