Malaysia Trip Concerns

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/Main_Phase_2046
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Hello, I am planning a two week trip with my mother to Malaysia in July. Our main interest is seeing wildlife, spending time at the beach, and exploring the local culture (in that order). We are not interested in nightlife or drinking. My mother will be coming from the U.S. and I will already be in KL. My mother loves the beach but she rarely gets there due to the distance (she lives in the Midwest). She has specifically requested the last few days be spent near the beach. Our budget is $100 per night for accommodation. Cheaper is always preferable, but we could also spend more if it's for something we really want to do.

With that in mind, I would appreciate any feedback/suggestions for this two week itinerary.

Days 1-4: Langkawi My mother arrives in KL at noon and we take the first possible flight to Langkawi. We chose Langkawi because it is easier to get to than Perhentian or Redang, and there are more options in terms or restaurants and activities. This gives my mom some time to recover from the long flight and also enjoy the beach. We are staying Pantai Tengah.

Days 5-7: Penang Take a quick flight from Langkawi to Penang. We would stay in Georgetown near Beach street and spend a few days exploring the area and the food scene. We would try to go to the national park and maybe take a cooking class, but they are not deal breakers.

Days 8-11: Sandakan Take a somewhat long flight with one layover to get to Sandakan. We would arrive late and spend one night there and then we will take a 4D3N tour to see the Orangutans at Sepilok, the sun bears, and take a river cruise.

Days 12-14 Take a quick flight to Kota Kinabalu. We chose KK over places like Semporna because they are more affordable. We would prefer not to spend more than $100/night. Stay in the Gaya Street area and do some day tours to the nearby islands.

Day 15 Early flight to KL for my mother's return flight.

  1. Are we trying to pack too much in here?
  2. Is there a more efficient way to go about these locations?
  3. Any other recommendations for these locations? Especially KK, this is the place I am least sure about.
submitted by /u/Main_Phase_2046
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