It may sound dumb, but I never thought of myself as a gamer until I realized I’ve played hundreds of video games over 30 years.

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My kids are getting old enough to start playing video games, and my daughter asked me what kind of games I played as a kid. So while we were visiting my folks she and I started digging around in the garage and lo and behold we found the old NES, PS1, N64, and PS2. I know I played games as a kid, but I was shocked at how many I had and how many titles I actually remembered (and that doesn’t include Dos and PC games). I asked my mom how much time I spent playing as a kid and she said a lot, but so long as I was outside with the neighborhood kids while it was light out and playing sports my parents didn’t mind. That discussion got me wondering how many games I’d played over the years and I suddenly realized how huge video games have been to me, how many wonderful stories I have experienced, and how some really hard times in my life were made manageable by diving into a virtual adventure. Anyway, just thought I’d share this in case anyone else has had a similar jolt.

submitted by /u/VerySlyBoots
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