Is the Military right for me, and which branch?


I (M26, 27 soon) have considered joining the for a long time, but it never became a serious discussion until I jokingly mentioned it to my wife and she said she thought it could be great for us. I have 2 young children (Age 2&3), that I want the best life for. I'm generally a person that lacks motivation unless it's something to do with my kids, and I hate leaving my comfort zone. I'm not out of fat/out of shape, but definitely could work on my body. I'm currently working towards my Computer Programming degree in tech school, but I still have no clue what I what my future job to be, other than something probably in tech. I currently feel like I'm just floating through life doing meaningless jobs. These are some of the reasons I'm considering joining. The biggest thing that worries me is the future of my children. My wife is confident in being able to take care of them while I'm away. She also likes the idea of moving a lot as a military wife, because we like traveling a lot. Some of my concerns are joining at my age, (I know it's not old but probably older than most new recruits) will that affect me at all? Since I have kids would it be smart to enlist as reserve vs active duty? Which branch would be best for someone with kids? Any provided information would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/StruckGG
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