Is the German Iron Cross 2nd class the equivelent of the US Bronze star medal?


Is the German Iron Cross 2nd class the equivelent of the US Bronze star medal?

I have read that it was given often at the end of the Second World War to raise morale leading to "medal inflation". I am asking because the Bronze star with no "V" device (with "V" device are more rare) are rather common for people who were in a war theater. There were reports that they were given for just being there.

It seems to me that the German Iron Cross 2nd class being the lowest of the Iron Cross tree of awards was something between a bravery medal, a US Combat Infantry Badge, a generic campaign medal, a citation medal as well as a few other awards combined. In some estimates it was given during WW2 5,000,000 times!!! roughly 1 in 4 soldiers got it!

Do you think there is an equivalency?

submitted by /u/Capital-Trouble-4804
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