Assuming an unlimited budget and no enlistment or procurement problems (but with added the goal of designing a cost-effective force), how would you de


How would you design a Rapid Reaction Canadian military force with the following operational parameters?

  • Unlimited Budget, but with the goal of being somewhat cost-savvy (i.e. not just getting 1000 of the most expensive equipment systems "just cause".)
  • No Enlistment Issues - as many enthusiastic men and women as you desire - but with the added goal of using the least no. of men and women possible.
  • the ability to deploy in force anywhere in Canada within 12 hours, including the far North.
  • The ability to engage the enemy for as long as it takes until mass mobilization can be achieved.
  • No Procurement issues - any equipment you deem is necessary you can have.

What aircraft would you procure and what roles would they have? How large would the Navy be, and what capabilities would it have? How many enlisted at minimum would you need? How many artillery/tanks/ifv would you need and what role would they serve?

submitted by /u/RikeMoss456
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