Are there any movies that came out as stand alone films but turns out it was part of a franchise?

Crowded Caribou

Let me explain a little better: A movie that was introduced as a stand alone movie up until its release but it turned out to be part of a franchise or a sequel/prequel. So it was a surprise and wasn’t known up until the release.

For example you are watching “Prey” but it wasn’t marketed as a part of the Predator franchise so up until the Predator shows up nobody had any idea it was a Predator movie and it’s a complete surprise.

Edit: Thank you for the answers, a couple people said Split and it’s the perfect example of what I’m looking for! Also I guess I couldn’t explain myself very well I’m looking for movies that turned out to be part of an already existing franchise or sequel/prequel to an already existing film. And I know Prey was marketed as a Predator prequel it was just an example, like a “what if” situation. Hope that clears it up!

submitted by /u/aurormaze
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