Within a span of 4 months I went to the North Pole and then the South Pole!

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Within a span of 4 months I went to the North Pole and then the South Pole!

I went to the town of “North Pole” in Fairbanks last October and Antarctica/Ushuaia this February. I paid a visit to Santa Claus’s house in Fairbanks, and saw some fluffy penguins in the Antarctic.

It didn’t even register to me that I went to both poles until I was chatting with my friend whom I went to Fairbanks with about my Antarctica trip, when she brought up how we were in North Pole with Santa a few months prior. TECHNICALLY Fairbanks isn’t the complete North Pole but I find the name of the town very funny.

The South Pole sticker pics were taken in Ushuaia, which is known as the end of the world. If I had known I’d be in both poles I think I would’ve gotten a magnet in both places

submitted by /u/tomsawyertravels
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