With Microsoft's wish to expedite Fallout 5's development, and with Todd Howard occupied with Elder Scrolls 6, this is Josh Sawyer's perfect chance to

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Josh Sawyer, director of Fallout: New Vegas, still works at Obsidian - therefore working under Microsoft's umbrella. He just shipped Pentiment to overwhelmingly positive reviews; They literally have an RPG master who directed the crowd-favorite Fallout game RIGHT THERE in house, and they're looking for help on Fallout 5.

…Is this not an extremely obvious decision to make? I know the fans would go crazy for this, but I feel like I've heard zero buzz from you guys LATELY. Surely I'm not the only one who sees how perfectly lined up this is.

It's the fact that I haven't heard anyone else in the community realize this that makes me confused. I'm sure everyone will say "Microsoft sucks, so they would never make a good business decision," or "Todd Howard hates Obsidian/New Vegas," but is there anything that's not just a knee-jerk, oversimplified response that I'm missing? It's Microsoft's decision at the end of the day, and Josh still loves the franchise, so it could happen.

*To be clear, I'm not suggesting Obsidian should take on this huge project rn (prob not big enough/too split up on other projects), just that they should commission Josh to whatever working body they end up making.

submitted by /u/Frankospaghetti
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