What's a potentially great game that was ruined by terrible game design?

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My pick has to be Mafia 3. The game had incredible acting, Cinematography, soundtrack. The gunplay was satisfying, the characters were memorable, walking around in 1960s New Orleans was a delight especially when you can find playboy articles and interviews from that era and reading them gives you a unique insight how people saw things in the 60s. The game's story handled themes like greed, revenge, PTSD, race issues really well. Now on to the bad stuff. I didn't play the game at release but I heard the game was really buggy and was missing key features in the previous game like customisation, luckily the game is bug free when I played it recently and things like changing clothes and customizing your cars were added, now what can't be fixed is the game tedious pacing and mission design, in order to take over the city you have to take over like 10 districts. Each district has a boss running it. In order to take out the boss you have to take over rackets. And these get old pretty fast and the only interesting missions in each district are the final missions when you have to take out the boss. Plus the game has like 4 side activities types. So when playing the game you will absolutely love the first 10 hours and you will find the last 10 hours of the game a slog to get through. Luckily the games dlcs are really fun and add a much needed verity and side content to the game. So overall if I'm gonna give an honest review to mafia 3 I'll say it's a 6.5 on its own and an 8 if you plan on playing it with its dlcs. I feel like the developers were really capable of greatness but maybe they had to rush the game in order to meet the deadlines and the Mafia 1 remake really showed what they're capable of.

submitted by /u/Roids-in-my-vains
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