The Rookie - Celina Juarez

Vast Vendace

So I started the Rookie some time ago, cause it appeared on several lists and got a lot of praise. I like the show although I think it's pretty predictable at times and quite shallow. Also... The warzone like shootings in the middle of the street are kinda ridiculous. I'm not from the US, I hope you guys over there don't really have things like that happen on a weekly basis.

Aaanyway I'm on season 5 now and I want to talk about Officer Celina Juarez. Does anyone else feel like this character is a joke? She and her psychic abilities are starting to p*as me off tbh. In episode 8 that I'm watching right now she's sleeping at nolans home and asked him inside the police station if he ever tried ajahuasca (hope I spelled it right). And she also behaves so unprofessional every time she has to do some actual police work. This is ridiculous. I remember Jackson almost getting washed out in the first season cause he was a little fearful at his first shootout and now I'm supposed to believe that Juarez can just run around being all "oh I dreamt this and that and that's why I think he's the murderer. Also your couch needs to move because it gives a bad energy". Give me a break.

So yeah just wanted to know if anyone else dislikes the character as much as I do. Cheers.

submitted by /u/AbbreviationsWide331
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