Movies That Make You Feel Like a Kid Again (But Wiser)

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Hey everyone!

Lately, I've been feeling a wave of nostalgia, remembering all the good stuff from back in the day. You know, when movies were like magical escapes and not just reminders of how much time has flown by?

I'm on the hunt for films where the main character takes a trip down memory lane, reliving their childhood and seeing things in a whole new light. Like in "The Judge" with Robert Downey Jr. – that movie had me thinking about family and how the choices we make stick with us forever.

"The Breakfast Club" is another great one. Sure, it's a classic teen movie, but it also showed how even though we all seem different, deep down we're all dealing with similar stuff. Plus, who doesn't love a good reminder of the awkwardness of growing up?

Of course, classics like "Stand By Me" and "Dead Poet's Society" are always there to remind us of the power of friendship, the fun (and sometimes weird) times of being a kid, and how things change as we get older.

But here's the thing: I'm not just looking for a straight-up nostalgia trip. I want a movie that takes me back to those good old days, but also gives me a new way to look at things as an adult. Like, imagine a movie that makes you feel like a kid again, but throws in some wisdom to help you deal with grown-up stuff. That would be the ultimate movie magic!

So, guys, that's where you come in! What are some hidden gems that can make me laugh, remember the good times, and maybe even teach me a thing or two about being an adult? Please give your suggestions.

submitted by /u/DrHijiBijBij
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