Looking for advice to learn


Hello my dear invester fellas. I am a guy from Turkey who earns above average in local but below average compared to global salaries.

My question is i can learn software development easily with the help of internet but in investing idk how can i find the true information or how can i learn investment, economy like a decent college student who's major is in this area.

I hear lots of books from Warren buffet or popular ones like rich dad poor dad but i am looking for a real way to really get into it and research it. I don't want to look for only american stock market because our system, income, inflation, tech, upgrades, power is a lot different than american economy or compared to globe.

If i do this i can follow my stocks etc. or make analyzes while i am on my work brake/thinking about something via my second screen. I am going to work only 2 days. Others are from home.

Anyways. If this isn't the right place to put this i can delete. Hoping everyone a good day :)

submitted by /u/msckaozz
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