I prefer “Laverne and Shirley” to “Happy Days”

Vast Vendace

I’ve heard a lot about these two shows (Happy Days moreso than L and S, of course) so I decided to watch an episode of each today. I watched season 1 ep10 of L and S, and s3e1 of Happy Days. I walked away thinking that Happy Days was cheesy and unfunny, yet surprisingly really enjoyed the Laverne and Shirley episode I saw, too. I found Laverne and Shirley to be funnier, but it also feels like the two leads have more chemistry. Both shows are set in the 50s, but somehow Laverne and Shirley feels more modern to me. I can see Laverne and Shirley becoming more of a feel good show for me than Happy Days, but I can’t figure out why.

I wonder if the fact that I’m a woman is a factor.

submitted by /u/Careless-Wish-4563
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