I never played a TBS game in my life, but I've just now beaten Baldur's Gate 3. WOOOW...what a breath of fresh air.

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I've just fully beaten my first play through of Baldurs Gate 3. I've never played anything liked this and I was so skeptical, because all i've ever done is play real time action games and first person shooters. I'm so incredibly happy I took the gamble on getting the game.

For the past two years i've had a extremely cynical and hateful view on gaming as a whole. I thought all creativity and passion and strive for entertainment in gaming development was completely gone, taken over by corporate greed. Baldurs gate 3 gave me hope again. It made me feel the way I used to when I was a kid.
This game was actually made with genuine passion. I can't get over that, because you never see it anymore.

I'm proud to now call myself a passionate fan of Larian studios. They alone are still putting entertainment first in the gaming industry.

submitted by /u/Spartacus_115
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