I feel like I'm at the end of the line for good shows to watch


I need something to wind down with after work, but as the title says, I feel like I've exhausted my options.

I'm not really partial to any genre, but I do tend to like shows where the universe it's set in makes it to where there can be absurd or creative storylines/episodes. That being said though, I'm usually not a huge fan of shows set in space (the exception being Farscape, so if there's anything similar to that, feel free to suggest.). I also like there to be a little romance; If there's none at all, I probably won't be interested. I like when there's a little comedy mixed in with any genre. I do like the standard 20 minute comedy, but I feel like I've already seen all the good ones.

My only other criteria is that I don't like lots of cursing/nudity. If there's F words every episode, I won't watch it. If its a comedy with bleeping, that's fine.

I would so appreciate if you could help me. I've looked at so many lists, but just see the same shows over and over.

submitted by /u/grurupoo
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