Here's What Kind Of Movies Netflix Wants To Focus On Going Forward


Netflix recently underwent a big change with movie boss Scott Stuber leaving the company and Dan Lin taking over as the top boss for the streaming giant's film division. Right away, Lin cut 15 jobs and restructured the movie division, and now we've learned more about how Lin plans to shake things up as the company looks to the future.

According to The New York Times, Lin's mandate at Netflix is to "improve the quality" of its movie releases and produce a "wide spectrum of films" at different budget levels to help create more content that can appeal to Netflix's subscriber base. Another big change is that Netflix is changing how it pays filmmakers--"no more enormous upfront deals," the NYT reported.

Whereas Netflix previously focused on volume--in 2021, it released a new film every week--Lin's aim is to make Netflix's films "better, cheaper, and less frequent," the report said. Sources also told the site that Lin is asking his team to be more proactive and seek to develop their own content instead of waiting for producers and agents to reach out to make a deal.

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