Any creative ways to get a large dog overseas?


Is anyone aware of creative ways to get a large dog to Germany without shipping them or having them ride in the belly of the plane?

I found a cruise from NY to England that might work, then we could drive from England. But, I still think this may be too stressful for him because he couldn’t be in our room with us and we could only visit a couple times per day, and it takes 7 days.

He’s almost 13 and I just am not willing to put him through the stress of a flight without me right next to him to comfort him.

The thought of leaving him behind breaks my heart. I have plenty of loved ones that are willing to have him move in with them (including my parents or my sister) but I can’t stand thinking he will think we abandoned him, even if it’s someone he knows really well.

I don’t know much about the ESA thing, but if I got that could he ride in the plane next to me if I bought him a seat?

It’s possible he may go to dog heaven before then (about 9 months from now) but I want a solid plan in place if he is still doing well.

Any thoughts are appreciated!

submitted by /u/Naive_Lead_38
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