An Alligator walks into a bar

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He sits infront of the bartender and says "Hey, sir, do you think I could get a beer?" The bartender looks at him a little odd and says "I'm sorry, we don't serve your kind here." Obviously, the gator was a little taken aback and replies "Please, sir, just a beer and I'll mind my own business." The bartender shakes his head and says "Bar rules, son. I can't serve you." From the far end of the bar an older woman pipes up. "Hey, you dumb fuck, can't a lady get some whiskey? Get your lazy ass up and do some actual fuckin work." Well, the gator gets up, walks to the end of the bar, and gobbles her up in a single bite. He returns to his seat and asks again. "Hey, sir, do you think I could get that beer now?" The bartender shakens his head and replies with exasperation "I'm sorry, we don't serve junkies here. That's was a bar bitch you ate."

-From my bartender at the bowling alley, with love.

submitted by /u/SgtTempyst
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