4 Weeks in Asia!

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/nanabananapeels2
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Hello friends!

I'm currently planning a 4-week trip to Asia this fall (roughly between September-December). The plan so far for sure is 2-weeks in Vietnam and then 2-weeks in Japan. This will be my first time planning something like this so I would like any tips/advice that anyone could offer!

The plan for Vietnam was to start in Ho Chi Minh city and make my way up north to Hanoi. My interests definitely gravitate more towards nature and food and just a little bit of city life. From Hanoi I was going to fly to Osaka and that's probably as far as I've planned for Japan...lol. I would like to spend the least amount of time in Tokyo as being in the city is a bit anxiety provoking and would like to explore outside of Tokyo such as Kyoto, Osaka, Nagano, Nikko, etc. For Japan I really would love to explore trails, shrines, and of course onsens (tattoo friendly would be a bonus).

I'm a super noob at all of this but again I would really appreciate any advice/tips/recommendations that you have.

submitted by /u/nanabananapeels2
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