Looking for advice on first time travel

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So a bit of backstory first, when I was young my grandmother had this thing where her grandchildren could go anywhere in the world they want when we turn 12. My sister chose 2 weeks in Hawaii. I chose 2 weeks in China. However. My grandma went to prison for embezzlement before my lil brothers could have the same deal( happened when oldest lil bro was about 9, no one knew was a huge shock to whole family)

They never got the opportunity my sister and I had. I am now almost 29, I am divorced of 1 1/2 years, have no kids, my brothers are 18/22. I figure now is the best time for something like this.

I want to take them and my mother anywhere in the world they choose. I've secured a second job to set aside funds(approx 1200 a month if I work super hard). And already have close to a thousand squirreled away.

What are somethings I should know off the bat? Aside from that one time when I was 12, Ive never really traveled at all.

Should I plan it myself? Book a tour agency? How can I keep this cheap on me? I'm not made of money after all haha but I definitely want my mom to fly first class/business, IDC about me and siblings. What are some beautiful locations to suggest? It'll be there choice, but I love history and nature/hiking. Nothing touristy or attractiony places. Most importantly, aside from early passports, how can I best prepare myself and my family for this trip? Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.

I greatly appreciate any advice given, please and thank you

submitted by /u/Alternative-Green-56
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