Europe traveling ideas

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/TrampolineMama
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My mom would like to travel with me and my 6 year old daughter next May to Europe. We'd like to be there for 15-20 days. My mom is in her mid 70s, and cannot walk endlessly for long periods of time, so we are looking for a bit low key trip.

She'd like to go to Portugal (I'm thinking Lisbon and Cascais/Sintra as I went there years ago and loved them), and I thought to add Barcelona maybe. Thinking of adding a third city in Italy as well (maybe Florence? I went to Italy over 25 years ago, so don't remember much at all).

My mom is also open to river cruises as an option, but that cover several countries.

My daughter is pretty good with traveling, very calm, easygoing, and she's just excited to spend time with grandma. We live in Canada, but we'll be traveling with my mom from Bogota, Colombia.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Ultimately, we'd like to visit beautiful places, so some sightseeing and have some good food. Not interested in shopping.

Thank you so much!

submitted by /u/TrampolineMama
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