Could any country truly stop an invasion by the US military?


posted from r/nostupidquestions

I have been reading quite a few recent posts about topics regarding the effectiveness of the US military/equipment/etc. A couple people brought up in a hypothetical situation if the US decided to invade a single country, any country really, what could they do other than nuclear to actually stop a complete invasion?

I am not talking against multiple countries at once if they are allies, I mean if they decided one day to invade Germany, and no one stepped in to help. How would any country fare in this situation? I know the nuclear option is on the table for a few countries but you would basically be destroying your own country to prevent an invasion. So let's say that is off the table, just a purely military on military scenario, no guerilla warfare.

I know people may suggest China has a chance but if you actually see the numbers of ships for example, the US dwarfs China's navy, and I am not talking about amount of ships but also types of ships.

I am not an American if you're wondering, just a random thought I was having about what if the US decided to say fuck it and invade countries just because.

Edit: This scenario would include the factor of the country being invaded not being able to be armed and resupplied by foreign countries so they have to gather what they can within their own nation.

submitted by /u/NoPistons7
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