Advice Needed on Retirement and Investment Strategy in Early 30s


I'm in my early 30s and currently facing some decisions regarding my retirement and investment strategies. Unfortunately, my income level doesn't allow me to contribute to a Roth IRA. I did contribute to a traditional IRA back in 2019 but haven't made any further contributions since. Additionally, my employer (a startup) offers a 401k but without any matching contributions; however, I've been maxing out my Roth 401k each year.

Retirement Accounts Questions:

  1. Given that I've seen significant gains in my traditional IRA since 2019, should I consider converting it to a Roth IRA now, or would it be better to wait?
  2. Is it advisable to perform a backdoor Roth conversion annually (e.g., every January), even though I don't qualify for the tax deduction?
  3. Should I maintain my 401k contributions in Roth, switch to a mix of traditional and Roth, or transition completely to traditional?

Investment Accounts Questions:

Last year, I experimented with an automated bond portfolio via Wealthfront but am reconsidering this strategy after reading some advice against bond investments at my age. My main investment is in an index portfolio with a minor allocation (8%) in municipal bonds.

  1. Should I terminate the bond portfolio and shift my focus entirely to equities?
  2. At what stage in life is it generally advisable to increase bond holdings? Should this shift happen as I near retirement, or is there a better time frame?

Thank you in advance for your insights and advice!

submitted by /u/calbion
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