What movie do you think is too long/short

Crowded Caribou

Like, what's a movie that you feel could have shaved 20 mins and been way better, or on the other side, didn't give enough explanation/exposition and if they just took an extra 15-20 mins it woulda been way better?

Both of my examples are kid's movies (lol) but still, it's no secret that studios are gearing kid's movies to also entertain adults so...here we go!

Too much: Elemental

Overall, I enjoyed this movie. Idk if I'd ever buy it, but if it were on TV I'd probably watch it (showing my age lol I'd have to choose to stream it of course). I feel like in the nearly 2 hour run time that Disney/Pixar tried to touch on every single immigrants-making-their-way-in-a-new-country trope including having a child who has to live up to their expectations while virtually ignoring Wade's life I guess because he's not a native and doesn't know the struggles. I also feel like Disney was trying to hit every kid's movie trope as well (sacrificing one-self to save another just for true love or whatever to bring them back meanwhile disappointing a parent who eventually says "all I ever wanted was for you to be happy")

All in all, I feel like they could have shaved probably a solid 20 mins off Elemental and it still would have been a good movie.

Too little: Super Mario Movie

Again, overall I enjoyed the movie. Saw this one in theaters with my son the day it dropped. I must admit, in the beginning I was actually disappointed with how it turned out because there was a major lack of exposition. But as time has passed, I like it and will probably be rewatching it soon since it's on Netflix.

At around 92 minutes (only 17 mins shorter than Elemental) we get a pretty amazing world with a generic plot because it's Mario. We all know Mario. No need to really fluff it up. New backstory for the brothers which was fun, but absolutely nothing on Peach. She says "one day I came through a pipe to the mushroom kingdom and they made me their princess." That's it...that is literally it...one day a toddler somehow went through a pipe portal and ended up in the Mushroom Kingdom and for some reason the toads made her royalty...the story takes such care to even make Mario despise mushrooms, but everything about Peach is completely glossed over in what's probably 90 seconds of exposition. Illumination has how many Despicable Me movies (including spin-offs with the Minions) with full exposition for most characters? But they can't give Peach an extra 10 mins of exposition? I felt robbed about that, even though I enjoyed the movie.

So there's my two examples. What movies do you think could have been better with an extra 10-20 mins or cutting 10-20 mins?

submitted by /u/suestrong315
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