What if Hilary Clinton imposed a “no fly zone” over Syria in 2017 had she been elected


So I was rewatching some of the old debates for this upcoming election (3 elections in a row and trump is in all three of em) and one of the things I caught in the Clinton trump debate is Hilary saying she wanted to implant a no fly zone over Syria had she been elected, Obama refused to do it since he believe it would drag the US into a conflict with Russia and Syria and also the Syrian President Bashar Al Assad said he would physically oppose a us no fly zone which would technically be a act of war had his trumps harmed any us troops

So my question is had Clinton won the 2016 election and Imposed a no fly zone over Syria, what would happen?

Would the us go to war with Syria and Russia? How would that war look like

submitted by /u/Southern-Business-60
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