Places to travel to from Kyushu, Japan in mid-July?

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I’ve recently found myself available from the 10th-16 July this year due to extra leave I didn’t realise I had. I think it’ll be a good opportunity to leave the country and visit a relatively cheap destination on my own for a small amount of time. Because of this I’m looking to travel somewhere relatively close to Japan in Asia/South East Asia. I don’t have a specified budget for in-country spending but what I do know is the flight’s should be kept to under ¥75,000 yen to mitigate costs and leave cash open for future trips and savings (though lower is preferred).

My problem lies in that I have already had the luck of visiting a lot of the places on my bucket list - Thailand, China, Singapore, and Hong Kong to name a few. I’m travelling to Thailand a second time in two weeks and have South Korea planned for December.

I live and work in Japan but I have a New Zealand passport which I believe is pretty decent. I live in Kyushu so I can fly out from Fukuoka airport very easily.

Any suggestions or recommendations on where to go from this area for relatively cheap that I haven’t already been to or are planning to go to in the near future? And whether they are safe to travel on my own? Places in Japan too outside of Kyushu are welcome!

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

submitted by /u/Justeu_Piichi
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