Movies That Affected How You Cook

Crowded Caribou

I made a cheese omelet for my daughter's dinner last night, and she remarked that she really liked how it was a bit chewier than the ones my wife cooks. I realized that's because I don't add any milk to the eggs, an approach I've sworn by ever since watching Deep Blue Sea. I was deeply affected by the scene in which LL Cool J's character, fearing that he'll soon be devoured by a super-intelligent mako shark, records himself sharing his most cherished culinary secrets. So every time I catch my wife adding a few splashes of milk to an omelet, my only thought is LL Cool J scrunching up his face in disgust and saying, "This is a mistake."

I was curious if other folks have go-to cooking moves that they've cribbed from movies. The famous example that pops to mind is the thinly shaved garlic from GoodFellas, but I suspect a lot of people have gleaned recipe tips from more obscure films.

submitted by /u/InvidBureaucrat
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