Looking for advice regarding a doggie (Dachshund, male) becoming anxious/aggressive after a baby human entered his environment

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A friend of mine is finding herself in a bit of a stressful situation. My friend (30F) and her husband (30+/-M) recently had a baby. They have found that their one Dachshund has become increasingly anxious and possessive. It is coming to a point where they are worried they’ll have to consider re-homing their furbaby – if he becomes aggressive and hurts their baby, it is obviously a problem. Both Mom and Dad work, and they have found they need the help of a nanny.

I often furbaby sit for her and her husband (this is how we became friends), so I take this situation quite to heart. Their doggies are my adopted furbabies. I love them to pieces.

Has anyone had a similar experience? With vets and animal behaviouralists commenting, I know they will also immensely appreciate any information. Maybe there’s something you’ve done which we aren’t even aware of, the same as maybe you’ve tried a product which we don’t know about. I am looking for stories to share with my friends that might be able to help encourage them. I am absolutely aware that any comment on here is not a diagnosis. Things must be taken with a pinch of salt. Also, everyone’s circumstances are different and everyone’s furbabies have different personalities. ‍♀ Neither they or I shall do anything without researching and speaking to the furbaby’s vet first.


BACKGROUND (order of arrivals)

1⃣ My friend and her husband moved here with their three featherbaby budgies (all males) about 3-4 years ago.

2⃣ Mr Model Schmodel (male, Dapple Dachshund, almost 3 years old) was the first furbaby. He was recently sterilised.

3⃣ Miss Daisy Maisy (female, Tan/Black Dachshund, about 6 months younger) arrived about 6 months later. She was sterilised a while ago.

4⃣ Baby human (male) arrived last year (mid-August, 2023). It’s their first child.



I have always known Mr Model Schmodel as being more on the anxious side. He barks easily at people, and often will make little pees on the floor when seeing people. Now that he is used to me, he doesn’t bark as much or “leak” as much. He loves getting love. If I sit on the couch, the closer he can sit against me, the happier he seems. He’s a beautiful boy, and once he is calm, he’ll play catch with soft toys for hours on end! He’s a bit of a moody boy – if I tell him no or if I stop playing to do something, he’ll sit and sulk. As soon as I give him pats and kisses, he comes out of it. Only once has he bitten me (he didn’t break skin) – I was trying to get him out of my car and suddenly he went for my hand. Context: every time I look after them, we go for a drive so that if there is an emergency, they’re not scared of my car. Also, if the weather and traffic allows, we might visit the beach.

When Miss Daisy Maisy arrived, I noticed Mr Model Schmodel was a little jealous, but never… never in an aggressive manner. If you give her 5 pats, you must give him 5 pats. Understandable, I guess? ‍♀

Miss Daisy Maisy arrived about 6 months after Mr. She has always been soft and submissive. If you give her a tug-of-war toy… she is so tiny, but so powerful! I need both of my arms, or she’ll rip the toy right out of my hand. But an absolute sweetie pie to any person who walks into the house – although a bit weary, she is quiet and will eventually go to a person and her little tail wags the wag of all wags. She’ll sit on the couch with me, but not necessarily against me. Barks and chases birds. Gentle soul.

Both furbabies are a bit stubborn and specific when it comes to food. Apparently, this is very Dachshund though? They do eat their food… they just go through phases. Like my cats preferring chicken soft food for a whole month and one day they turn their nose up for that brand and flavour, and suddenly I need to scramble to find something else! ‍⬛️ They are also not aggressive when it comes to food – I’ve never seen them bite or snarl at each other. When there’s a bone that’s a “treat”, Mr will give a few growls and if Miss leaves her bone for too long unattended, he’ll swoop in and take it. But that’s all.

When human Mom was pregnant, the furbabies definitely picked up that something was different. They would follow Mom and guard her a bit more (but not aggressively). When Baba was born, the furbabies took to him when Baba came home from the hospital. ‍ I do not know of any cases where either have attacked or hurt Baby.

So, Miss Daisy Maisy doesn’t seem to be possessive, anxious, or aggressive in any way. Mr Model Schmodel is unfortunately dealing with those emotions/reactions.



I asked Mom to give some information about the following: • Signalment (species, age, sex, neuter status, breed, body weight) • Short history • Problem presenting (medical/behavioural) • Relevant clinical signs (vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, fever, etc.) • Length of time you have seen these changes and what has changed about your animal's environment • Relevant vet notes/diagnoses and medication

Here is an adapted transcription from Mom.

“So, in response to your questions…. He’s a long-haired Dapple Dachshund. Male dog. He is 2 ½, he’ll be 3 in July. He's been neutered in January this year. We don't think it's made a difference really. And he's 7kgs. Yeah.

His history: he has always been an anxious dog. Always struggled with anxiety and, you know, if you greet him, he’ll get excited, and he’ll wee on the floor. And if he's also scared, he'll wee on the floor. So, he's always had that. If we leave and come back home, he sits quite anxiously and won’t greet us straight away. That's just how it's always been.

He doesn't like our helper, who is now our nanny. ❌ She used to come once a week. Now, she comes every single day. He doesn't like her. And she also doesn't really like him. So, I think he picks up on that. And so, they don't have the greatest relationship at all, and he barks at her incessantly. And he barks at visitors incessantly until he settles, until he's comfortable.

And yeah, he's not got any clinical signs of anything. No vomiting, no diarrhea, changed appetite, like nothing. ‍♀ Just this incredible anxiety that's worse and worse.

There’s also a lot of triggers. Like, if there's a ball around or if there’s like a toy that he wants, or one of Baby’s toys he wants, then he becomes very, very possessive and will growl at me or my husband when we are trying to take it away. And he will growl at us even if we leave the room and come back, he’ll guard my son. So, he thinks that it’s like a game to… not a game, but like, he guards the baby as if it's his own, to the point that me and my husband can’t even come near to him. So that's extremely distressing and it's becoming more of a problem. And it's especially when the nanny is around that he is more protective like this but, actually it also happened the other morning. The nanny wasn't even here. It was like 04:00 in the morning and I was trying to give him (Baby) medicine and sort out his nose and went out of the room to get a tissue. When I came back to the room, Mr Model Schmodel was busy guarding Baby. I couldn't go near him. At 4:00 in the morning. And the nanny wasn't even here. So, these sorts of episodes are happening so much more frequently now.

There's been a big change in his environment. Obviously, I was pregnant. Then I had a baby. Then the nanny started coming every day from February. ‍ Obviously, the play area of the baby changes every few weeks or months. I'd say every few weeks. That changes ‘cause his milestones change, toys changes, where he hangs out changes, like those things all keep changing. And that's also a lot for a dog I supposed to take in. I've also been at home like every single day, and that's something that's been going on for, like, almost a year and a half now. ‍ So, I think he also has the tendency to want to guard me when the nannies here as well. So, he's just constantly on edge during the day. Then at night, he's like so badly behaved. He’ll like, lash out at us, he’s aggressive, we can’t go near him. If he’s comfortable, he doesn't want us to take a blanket away - he will growl at us, we can't touch him. And a new now is also in the car. If you put him in the car, you try to get him out, he will just growl and try and bite, and he’ll lash out at us because he does wanna get out the car because he thinks he's going on the car to the beach. But we're not going to the beach. That's changed.

So, lots of lots of triggers. I don’t know if that help? But that's sort of the situation.”



The vet has prescribed the following for him:

• Gabapentin 100mg [14] ➡️ ½ tablet x twice a day ➡️ ANXIOLYTIC

• Lorien 20mg [15] ➡️ ½ tablet x once a day ➡️ ANTI-ANXIETY



Has anyone experience the same with your Dachshund, especially when a baby came along? What was your experience, and do you have any advice?

Has anyone experience the same with your dog, especially when a baby came along? What was your experience, and do you have any advice?

‍‍⚕ From a vet and an animal behavioralist point of view, what advice would you suggest?

We love Mr Model Schmodel with all our hearts and we want to help him with love and kindness. We want Baby to grow up with Mr Model Schmodel and Miss Daisy Maisy. We’d absolutely appreciate any advice… the more information, the more informed decisions and fuller picture we can work with.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Rune_Skadisdotter
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