Just started watching the 3 body problem and I’m sold on the show in the first few moments of it, so if you need a show to watch, watch that maybe

Vast Vendace

Don’t spoil anything for me, but the basic premise from what I saw is, you know how Einstein discovered relativity and science came up with the Big Bang theory? Imagine if society had a serious problem about that.

also i suggest watching Oppenheimer movie first then watch this show, oddly enough it’s the perfect Segway into this show.

about the atomic bomb it could of destroyed the whole world literally because everything has and our made of atoms, and scientists were worried once they split the atom a never ending explosion would occur, because the endless fuel or ignition of items get what I’m saying?

the movie described it beautifully it was kind of a slow burn to get into, much like that new movie with DiCaprio which is a solid movie DiCaprio acting skills are really good, I was thinking about a lot how actors play their roles and so on, and make them their own and DiCaprio seems to always do a good job

anyways im just going to commit to watching the 3 body problem im kind of happy because it’s been hard to find a good show to watch for me, i been rewatching shows, I feel it’s a waste of time and I’m not really as productive in life right now but even more unproductive of me to rewatch a show or movie I already watch

but idk, anyways I really hope the show be a new top show of mine.

submitted by /u/Hayaidesu
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