Is military still worth to join in 2024 (Long Body Text)


I know this question is something you hear a lot from time to time.

However, from the research or something I’ve seen so far makes me doubt to join. The way how military treats viet seems like they dont really care about you. Recuiter’s I’ve talk or came to my school like a literal car salesman, mostly talks about how we can travel the world, free college, but I never really heard the hardships or con’s, etc. My step uncle is a viet, he wouldnt recommend me to go to military but if i wanted to, he suggested me to think carefully. I am only interested to join military for the sole purpose of helping me to achieve my career by going college during active duty and get the job options that can help gain high income skills and experience’s to bring to my resume and civilian world. And lastly, Discipline. I wanna change my life, at the moment I work at retail job 9-5 living in my parents house, scrolling TikTok for hours, etc. I hated this lifestyle and I know I must decide now either military or trade school.

Military overall sounds like a great opportunity for me, but I’m about to spend 4 years of my valuable time in the military, I wanna know honest opinion’s or advice during serving. Additionally, I wouldn’t wanna fight for something that doesn’t seem to care about me or people but then again, I’m in desperate to get things to help me in life. I’ve seen terrible cases like sexual assaults for years according to sources I’ve seen so far. This is why I’m asking this subreddit for your opinions to help me get closer to my answer cause I know I am wrong in some areas. Thank you for your services.

Physical Status: 18 Male, 6’1” 180 pounds American Football and Volleyball Athlete During High School. I only had one medical injury in junior year playing football but wasn’t severe enough to have surgery, overall, Fully healed.

submitted by /u/TimeOfRisenKing23rd
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