I have £5000 in cash, where can I invest it?


I have £5000 in cash, what can I do to invest it?

It’s in cash (in hand) and I don’t want to put it in the bank because it would raise a lot have questions.

Basically, every month I have taken some money out in cash and kept it to a side and now if I suddenly put them £5000 into my bank, it will look quite suspicious, so for that reason I would like to keep it out of the bank. When I started keeping this cash aside, I didn’t realise that it may look suspicious one day because I never actually thought that I would get 5000 lol

Anyways, what would be the best place to invest it? I am thinking, maybe I could buy something, keep it in perfect condition and then resell it a couple of years later, like a watch maybe? What are some other ideas?

submitted by /u/Responsible_Trash199
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