Hot Rod (2007)

Crowded Caribou

This movie is a comedic masterpiece that no one talks about.

The awkwardness, randomness, comedic timing, and cut aways make this movie so funny.

Imagine elevator pitching this to an exec in Hollywood or reading the synopsis of this movie from a TV guide "Rod raises money doing stunts to save his dad so he can kick the shit out of him." The best!

Scenes like Rod trying to get the attention of Denise with a mirror and then hammering on a motor to act like he is fixing it and following that up by initiating her into the crew by pouring a drink on her shoes. When Denise makes Rod shit himself and he plays it off like it didn't happen. Kevin singing George Michaels on karaoke (my fav). Rod pulling out a baton when in an argument with his dad leading to him having to go to his "quite place" to punch dance. Speed management on the hill... the list goes on!

One quote that somehow always gets me after watching this movie multiple times is when Rico yells "who am I going to build ramps for now?"

Let me know if you feel the same and what is your fav part!


submitted by /u/BuildingAStartup
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