Help identifying a soldier?


I’m not sure where to go to ask about this so feel free to re-direct me if I’m on the wrong sub!

I’m a current grad student writing a paper about ‘appraising’ my own items. For this paper I decided to choose two jewelry boxes and a cigar box that once belonged to my grandfather, who is now passed on. Up until now, one of the jewelry boxes was locked and I was unable to open it.

Today, while looking through the first jewelry box, I found a small brass key. So I put two and two together and unlocked the jewelry box.

Inside, I found these items: — A dog tag, with my grandpa’s name, blood type, religion, and serial number. — An ‘Air Evac’ pin of a helicopter — A ‘Citizenship’ pin/lapel

There are other pins/lapels but I’m not sure if they are related to the military. Does anyone know where I can search up his serial number and get more documents on him?

submitted by /u/Deathofwords
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