Films about men who fall into a downward mental spiral

  • Thread starter Thread starter /u/zenyorox
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I’m looking for films that follow a man’s descent into mental illness. I’d prefer for the films to be more grounded in reality, i.e. not looking for thriller/action films about someone who pops a screw loose and starts doing crimes (i.e. Falling Down, American Psycho, The Shining). More so looking for a character study of a man going through depression, OCD, self hatred, drug abuse, etc. (and it must be a male protagonist, sorry ladies). Also, one requirement is that the guy does not get saved by a girl, little to no romance is preferable. One example of such a film is Love Liza. I have already seen Taxi Driver, Joker, The Machinist, Pi, Requiem for a Dream, Buffalo 66, Eternal Sunshine, and Fight Club. Thanks!

submitted by /u/zenyorox
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