Bus full of nuns falls of a cliff and they all die......

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They arrive at the gates of heaven and meet St.Peter. St.peter says to them

"Sisters, welcome to heaven, in a moment I'll let you through the pearly gates and into the heaven, but before I do that I must ask each of you a single question"

St Peter turns to the first nun in the line and asks her

"Sister, have you ever touched a man's penis?"

Sister responds

"Welllll there was this one time I touched one with the tip of my pinkey finger"

St.peter says

"Alright Sister, now dip your pinky in the holy water and you may go" And she did so St.peter now turns to the second nun and says

"Sister, have you ever touched a man's penis?"

The nun replies

"Well there was this one time I held one for a moment"

"Alright Sister, now just wash your hands in the holy water and you may be admitted" And she does so. Suddenly there is a noise in the back of the lines. It seems one nun is cutting in line in front of the others and is pushing and knocking over other nuns. St.peter sees this and asks the nun

"Sister Susan what is this, there is no rush"

Sister Susan responds

"Well I just want to gargle this holy water before Sister Mary dips her bloody ass in it"

submitted by /u/chunkoski
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